Connecting with Your Child’s Heart: Four life-changing strategies to turn discipline into discipleship and to speak love, grace, and Biblical truths into your child’s life.

This is a Sponsored Post that also contains an Amazon Affiliate Link.  See my Disclosure Statement at the end of the post.

10/29/17 UPDATE: The course discussed in this post is no longer open for registration as of midnight 10/28/17.  Check out for information about their upcoming courses.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”  Ephesians 6:4 (NIV)

Parenting is hard work.  It’s tough.  It doesn’t come with a “how-to” manual or a “Parenting for Dummies” handbook.  We parents just learn as we go, often through trial and error, especially when each unique child may respond differently to discipline styles, expectations, rewards, etc.

What works for child #1 may not work for child #2 and vice versa.  Also, what currently works for one child will probably not work a year from now… or tomorrow for that matter!  That ambiguity and constant state of flux brings a wide array of emotions and struggles to the parenting journey, particularly when it comes to discipline.

What’s with the bucket?


I love watching my two boys play together.  I especially love it when they voluntarily give each other hugs and kisses and when they genuinely tell each other, “Sorry, Bubba,” without any prompting or coaxing from me.  I love it when they listen and obey, when they share and take turns, and when there’s peace and quiet in the house— even if just for a moment.  My heart swells with motherly joy during these moments.

And then there are moments when I just want to escape… and hide under a bucket.  Moments where I just want to stop “adulting,” put on my comfy pj’s, and hide out from the rest of the world (or from my kids), much like my then two-year-old son, Caleb, is pictured above.

And let’s face it, I’m sure there are times when Caleb wants to hide from me too— hide from the exasperated barrage of: “Stop whining.”  “No sir!”  “Please sit still!”  “You know better than that, Caleb Aaron.” (And I mean business when I use his middle name)!  “I’m tired of asking you over and over again to [fill in the blank].”  “I’m counting to three… one… two… three!”

Some days I just want to press the “Pause” button, or better yet, maybe the “Rewind” button so I can do and say some things differently.  I wish I could erase the days that I felt like I was nagging at my son instead of connecting with his heart.

Instead of repeatedly telling him “what to do” or “what not to do,” I could have been lovingly and tenderly expressing “why” he needs to make different choices and why God values the feelings and motivations behind those choices.  I could have turned those frustrating moments into genuine discipleship moments, and in turn help my child feel more loved, safe, and empowered.

I want to put “DISCIPLESHIP” back into “DISCIPLine.”

So HOW do we parents do that?  How do we connect with our children’s hearts?  How do we empower and uplift our children instead of enabling and belittling them?

If you’re pondering the same questions I did, then I am SO thrilled to share with you a valuable, life-changing parenting course from Connected Families, “Discipline that Connects with Your Child’s Heart.”  

I had the recent privilege of previewing this course, and it has already proven to be such a blessing to me and my kids!  It has refreshed me and given me new encouragement and motivation to be a more loving, gentle, and Godly parent.  It has reminded me to disciple my children more than just discipline them.

In an engaging and easy-to-follow format, renowned parental coaches Jim and Lynne Jackson have provided us a transformational four-step framework to connect with our child’s heart.

Connect pyramid

The Jacksons have been coaching and equipping thousands of parents since 1993 through live workshops and online trainings and courses.  You can read their BIO here.


Jim and Lynne say in one of their video modules, “We see discipline and the need for it as so much more than an opportunity to fix behavior.  We see discipline as an opportunity to make disciples, to teach our kids, and to train them up in the way they should go.”

This parental frame-work was a total game-changer for me!  I truly want my boys to be internally motivated to change their behavior and not just because “I said so” or because they fear punishment.  This framework truly equips me as a parent to speak love, grace, and Biblical truths into their lives and not just “behavioral do’s and don’ts.”


Here are some comments from former course participants:

This course opened my eyes. I am newly equipped to love on my kids and bring the gospel into daily interactions. I highly recommend it!

– Ophelia, mom of two

I love the ability to access this course forever. These are the ideas I want to use for the long-haul. This is how I always want to parent.

– Helen, mom of three

So fun and engaging! The information flowed directly with the lesson plans, and it was easy to navigate the course. I had time to reflect and revisit the information.

– Henry, dad of two


How do I take the course?  The course is available online through a series of video modules and downloadable handouts.

When and Where?  You can take the six-session course at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want.  Invite your friends to join, and you can start a Discipline that Connects small group!

When can I register?  Pre-registration starts, Sep. 25, 2017, and registration will remain open through midnight, October 28, 2017.

When does the course start?  The course material will be available for viewing on October 2nd.

When will the course end?  The course moderation ends on Dec. 15, but the course content is available to you FOREVER!  You have life-time access and can review the content whenever and how often you want.

Who all is involved?  A Connected Families- Discipline that Connects moderator will be available starting October 2nd to help answer questions and facilitate online discussions between course participants, parents just like you and me who are desiring to connect with our children’s hearts.  I’ll be participating in the forum discussions as well!

How much is it?  The course asks for a $95 donation (non-tax-deductible).  Connected Families is a non-profit ministry and relies on donations to minister to thousands of parents like you and me.  **If you can’t afford the registration fee, there is a need-based scholarship option at the end of the registration form.  Connected Families wants all parents to have access to this course and don’t want finances to be a barrier.

FULL DISCLOSURE:  As an affiliate partner for this “Discipline that Connects” course, Putting Faith and Family First receives a small commission if you register via my Affiliate Registration Link (link was disabled 10/28/17 midnight). However, please know that even if I was not being compensated, I would STILL share this course with you because I believe in it THAT MUCH, and I sincerely believe it will bless you and your family, just as it has blessed mine.    

I hope to see you in the Discipline that Connects discussion forums!  Send me a message through my Contact Page after you sign up so I’ll know to look for you and say hi.

Please SHARE Connected Families’ information with other parents who could use this valuable resource.  You can share the post via the social media buttons or COPY+PASTE your browser link in an email to a friend and fellow parent.  Grandparents and Christian educators can benefit from their courses too!  It’s for anyone who spends time caring for and/or educating children and who has a heart for “bringing [kids] up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

10/29/17 UPDATE: If you missed the registration deadline for the “Discipline that Connects” course, I invite you to check out the BOOK!

Your friend and sister in Christ,



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